~ care's thoughts ~

Sunday, November 06, 2005

the things ppl w/ lots of time think of to do.

pfft..xanga. i've decided to spite them and do this random facts thingy on blogger. take that! =P

Post 5 weird n random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. Also leave a post on their xanga (or blogger!) to let these people know.

1. for the past bit, i had to sleep on the couch cuz the stupid roofers screwed up my bedroom ceiling.

2. my addiction to sweets and chocolate is going away *gasp* i know. =(

3. i can't stand w/ my eyes closed w/o holding onto something sturdy else i'll tip over.

4. i still read kids books sometimes...GOOOO HP!


5. i've got so many clothes that even i have to admit that i need to stop shopping. BUT i can never have too many bags...or shoes!

gord, sam, sneha, steph, tim/bob.