~ care's thoughts ~

Sunday, May 08, 2005

got enough rage to run a fucking marathon.

well, fans, it's all over. i guess it never lasted as long as we assumed it would. now's the time for u guys to rejoice over it.


i just don't get how it can hurt so much, in such a short period of time.

didn't i resist it at the beginning. i like where i was. but no..eventually i lost that battle. looks like i just lost another one now.

do i regret it, no.
do i wish the end result could have been different, yes.

but that's life. u don't get all that u want. kinda like He gives and takes away scenario.

~ * ~

i just don't get it, apparently all it took was just one fucking week. that's the most LAMEST reason i've ever heard. really, i'd like to know how somebody could be that shallow.

that's just cold. damn cold. and totally inconsiderate.

there's no hate, just lots of confusion and rage..and underneath, hurt.